Fluidal Demo

Before/after slider

This block allows you to compare two images side by side. Use the slider to swipe between each image.

Useful for landscape or aerial shots, treatments or any image that needs to show progress or transformation.

As well as selecting which images to use, you can also control the labels which appear on top of each image as well as any meta text that you wish to display above or below each slider.


Front Back

Maecenas quis venenatis justo. Mauris eleifend sollicitudin augue, ac mattis dolor molestie in. Suspendisse porttitor, purus et accumsan eleifend, leo tortor maximus justo, sit amet tristique est risus id libero. Fusce urna nisl, aliquet sed mollis eget, pulvinar vitae dolor. Nunc at libero placerat, sodales ligula quis, tristique ligula. Duis cursus nulla eget ante maximus gravida. Nunc tincidunt sit amet nibh gravida ullamcorper. Sed consectetur maximus ex, in tempor leo ultrices placerat. Nunc et placerat est. Nunc quis lectus ut nisl tincidunt malesuada. Cras porta, erat a facilisis molestie, sem velit volutpat risus, id cursus metus mauris a dui.

Slider within an accordion

The slider even works in accordions too!

Original Restored
Before After

Donec sagittis sagittis ipsum, nec tempus nisi.

Mono Colour

Text to appear after the slider

Fluidal Demo

A flexible, robust boilerplate WordPress theme, ready for customisation. Contact us for a free online demo or email info@fluidal.net

© 2024 Fluidal Demo - the only limit is your imagination!

Layout icons created by Freepik - Flaticon. Placeholder images by Unsplash and Storyblocks